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Metframe Architectural Guide
Watch Metsec Metframe System
Metsec SFS Specification Manual
Metsec BIM Guidance - SFS
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+44 (0) 29 2044 2060 Viking Place Roath Dock CARDIFF CF10 4TR 35 Parkmore Close Woodford Green ESSEX IG8 0SJ
pBeing so close to the A4 near Heathrow, access was restricted so deliveries had to be planned carefully. Nevertheless, the project was completed on time and within budget.
Contractor | RGB Group ATS Value | £320K
Metframe is voestalpine Metsec’s modern, factory fabricated, pre-panelised framing solution. Manufactured off-site in a controlled, dry, high precision factory environment and installed by Atkin Trade Specialists.
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Metsec Metframe Steel Framing Systems
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