Chapel Riverside, Southampton
Located on the western bank of the River Itchen, north of the Itchen Bridge and with many apartments benefitting from waterside views overlooking Southampton’s selection of yachting marinas, Chapel Riverside is a large landmark development just moments from the bustling amenities at Ocean Village and the city centre.
In addition, new commercial floor space (use class B1) and flexible retail space (use classes A1 / A2 / A3 / A4) takes advantage of the waterside setting and offers accommodation, particularly suited to companies within the marine sector, with units ranging from 46 sq m (500 sq ft) to 1,950 sq m (21,000 sq ft).
Plans for the transformation of the site included 300m of river flood defences, the reconstruction of a new underground surface water storage tank for Southern Water and full archaeological investigations of the former Chapel of the Holy Trinity, dating from before 1217AD, as well as a medieval mill and Saxon burial ground on the site.